What Point Of Sale System Does Walmart Use?

With over 6,300 Walmart stores across the US, investing in a POS system heavy enough to handle the streams of sales data across all stores was imperative

walmart pos

Walmart POS SystemThat’s why their POS system is completely custom-built. The tech team behind the point of sale system didn’t start from nothing, though. In fact, they used the SUSE Linux Enterprise Point of Service (SLEPOS) as their starting point.

SLEPOS in itself is incredibly heavy duty. It goes far beyond a standard point of sale system that you may notice on cash registers for convenience stores. Here are just some of the features:

  • Graphical user interface for creating and managing images
  • Easy installation process making it easy to roll out new service environments fast
  • Centralized administration tools

In addition to a centralized server, the Walmart’s custom system also uses multiple branch servers, storing data on both top and local levels.

This has enabled Walmart to integrate both mobile POS systems and mobile applications into their existing system.

Want to Invest in your Own POS System?

Introducing Walmart’s Mobile POS System

Everyone knows that Walmart isn’t just a grocery store. It branches out into Express Stores, Supercenters and Neighborhood Markets to name just a few.

In their goal to improve their customer experience, they developed their own mobile POS system, specifically for their Garden Centers.

Anyone who’s been to a garden center knows how aggravating it is to lug heavy materials into carts, then transport it across the store to the main checkout. Walmart’s mobile POS system solves this.

It’s a portable checkout. Employees can scan the items in the cart and take payment for the items with a swipe of a credit card. Quick and easy. And of course, this all links up to their central POS system.

Walmart Bring Your Own Device Program

Walmart is steadily increasing the number of mobile apps available to its employees. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD for short) is an initiative that aims to help staff members provide exceptional customer service.

If a customer has a query about a product, the staff member can quickly consult the app for stock levels and the item’s location within the store – this is all linked up to Walmart’s point of sale system.

Want to Invest in your Own POS System?

Walmart’s point of sale system is exceptional, but one that most retail businesses don’t require.

You can request tailored quotes for a point of sale tailored to your business’s requirements simply by filling in our short form.

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Dan’s a Senior Writer at Expert Market, specialising in digital marketing, web design, and photocopiers, amongst other topics.
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Ruairi uses his 3+ years of research experience to uncover insights which can help Expert Market provide the best business solutions for their users. He has done this by meeting with business owners to find out what is important to them and what challenges they face on a daily basis. Ruairi specialises in tools that can be used to grow your business and has done research for a wide range of categories on Expert Market, such as EPOS, Website Builders, and Merchant Accounts.