EZ Inspections Review: Is it the Right Field Service Software for You?

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EZ Inspections does exactly what its name suggests

EZInspections is a product of Harmonsoft Inc, a privately owned and operated company headquarted in Silicon Valley, and is considered as one of the top cloud and primarily mobile-based software platforms used for property inspection and maintenance.

Since their launch over ten years ago (in 2005), EZInspections has grown to service several different industries, including but not limited to property preservation, mortgage inspection, insurance and safety inspection, and others. Currently EZInspections has almost 60,000 registered users and process almost 13 million work orders annually.

EZ InspectionsRating
Ease of Use
Reviewed by Expert Market:11/05/2019

EZInspections for Field Services

EZInspections is perfectly situated for supporting numerous different types of field services thanks to their capabilities to create customized forms and business processes for mobile devices. As of right now EZInspections currently serves REO and property preservation, asset management, and inspection, among other solutions.

Features and Benefits of EZinspections

EZInspections boasts dozens of features that make it one of the more prominent software platforms used for inspection and maintenance of property.

EZInspection’s infrastructure is based in the cloud, which allows them to provide their customers with unlimited and unrestricted access to computing power, in addition to unlimited network bandwidth and unlimited storage capacity. Being cloud based also enables EZInspections to boast reliable data redundancy, significantly enhanced security, and file back up as well.

Their mobile applications, currently available on Apple, Android, and Windows devices, allow maintenance contractors and inspectors to easily gather data, both written and visual, and instantly upload said data to the cloud where it’s accessible instantly for other members of the team.

Software on Construction siteEZInspections also has a web based platform that allows office managers the ability to manage order creation from anywhere, at any time, instantly from any mobile device.

To make their product even more attractive to prospective customers, EZInspections features list has recently grown to include the ability to have unlimited users, unlimited document and picture upload, storage of these documents and pictures for up to seven years at no additional cost, and an automatic client order download.

EZinspections App

The EZInspections mobile app is available for download on iTunes for Apple devices as well as on Google Play for Android devices.  EZInspections Mobile enables their users to easily collect data, including photographs, when they’re in the field.

The app has the ability to be an ‘offline app’, which means that the application doesn’t require an internet connection when data is being collected. This allows users of the app more flexibility as they can be in an area where there is zero phone or internet service, and still be able to utilize important features of the application.

EZinspections Pricing

EZInspections’ pricing differs based on what industry your company is in.

All of their plans include the following features as standard;

  • Unlimited users as well as unlimited picture and documents
  • Completely free account set up
  • Storage of data and pictures for seven years at no cost
  • Included cloud administrator account that requires only an Internet browser to access
  • Over one hundred templates included with the custom form builder
  • EZ Inspections mobile app for iOS, Android and Windows

EZ Inspections’ pricing breakdown per industry is as follows;

IndustryCostVolume Discount
Mortgage Inspection$0.25/orderOver 500 orders/month
Insurance Inspection$1.00 per orderOver 300 orders/month
Property Preservation$1.00 per orderOver 300 orders/month
Property Rehab & Maintenance$0.25 /grass cut or snow removal, $0.50 /full preservation orderOver 300 orders/month
Rental Property Inspection & Maintenance$29 per/month if paid annually, $39 per user/month if paid monthlyOver 300 orders/month
Vacation Rental Inspection & Maintenance$0.49 / orderOver 500 orders/month
BPO / REO Order MAnagement$0.50 / orderOver 500 orders/month

Case Study

Inspection Center Inc. – Mortgage Inspections

Inspection Center Inc was blown away with the usage and capabilities of EZInspections when they used the application recently. They were seeking a way to migrate all of their clients onto a single system, made more difficult by the fact that many of their clients were not ‘tech savvy’ and didn’t have websites, instead relying on email and fax to receive all work as PDF attachments.

Instead of simply approaching EZInspections with this task, Inspection Center presented this to EZInspections’ competitors as well, and after the appropriate amount of time given for a solution, only EZInspections provided an answer to their problem.

EZInspections was able to put all of Inspection Center’s clients on the same system seamlessly, and provided Inspection Center with the ability to work away from their offices, as well as providing their subconstractors even more time to complete their work, due to the newfound increase in efficiency.

After slightly over two months of using EZInspections, Inspection Center had already noticed a massive reduction in the amount of time they allocated towards searching for inspections and pictures, as well as paying subcontractors and invoicing their clients. In addition, in under two months they even saw a noticeable decrease in deductions from all of their clients.

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Julia Watts author headshot photo
Specialising in business software, Julia writes jargon-busting guides about VoIP, fleet management, dash cams, fuel cards, and more. Having spent almost a decade writing for entrepreneurs and reviewing business solutions, she loves helping exciting ventures – big or small – to flourish.
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James thinks all businesses can improve if they use the right technology. At Expert Market, he utilises his 4+ years experience as a researcher to offer specialised advice on a wide range of categories from CRM to Fleet Management.