Staying on top of utilities such as business energy and commerical waste is important for businesses of any size. Rates, tariffs and providers can be confusing and ever-changing, our guides can help you avoid any confusion. Browse our range of articles, reviews and videos to find the best solution for your business.

Commercial Waste

two men putting trash from a bin into a rubbish or waste collection truck

Top Rated Waste Collection for Small Businesses

Struggling to find the best waste collection for your small business? Read our guide to find the right one for you.

KeepCup reusable coffee cups of varying size

9 Easy ways to reduce plastic pollution at work

From reusable coffee cups to starting an 'inconvenience store, curb your work’s reliance on single-use plastic with these nine easy-to-action steps.

assortment of commercial waste bins

Commercial Waste Collection Costs UK Guide

Find out how much it costs to get your business' rubbish collected with our in-depth commercial waste collection cost breakdown.

rubbish skip sitting in an industrial park

Do you need a waste transfer license?

If you're moving rubbish without the right license, you can face fines of up to £5,000. Don't risk it – find out today if you need a waste carrier license.

Business Energy

The Best Business Energy Suppliers in the UK

We've compared the best business electricity and gas rates for an average UK business. We reveal the cheapest and the greenest energy source.

Best Energy Suppliers for Small Businesses

We compared the top six small businesses energy providers, including their costs, customer service and green energy provision.

Wind turbines on hilly field

Your Essential Guide to Business Energy

Need a comprehensive guide to business energy? Look no further. We cover tariffs, levies, green schemes and more.